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Ferret toenail problem

21 10:49:44

Our 2 ferrets, Isabelle and Charley were playing under the couch and Charley starting crying out in pain and apparently got her toenail caught in the fabric. I feel horrible! We had just trimmed her nails. When we looked at her foot, one nail is slightly twisted to the side and she is having trouble walking with that foot but doesnt make any noises like she is in pain. Should I take her to the vet or is this something that will have to heal on its own? This JUST happened and now she is crawling around in the cage and doesnt seem to be in any pain. I don't want her to walk on it much if there is something I can do to make her feel better. Thank you!

Hello Marissa,

A toe nail injury is not often an emergency situation, but it can be painful and cause discomfort. From what you describe, the twisted nail will likely have to be removed by your vet.  As long as the nail bed is undamaged, a new one will grow in its place.

Have your vet check over the entire foot to ensure she did not break any toes in the struggle.  An x-ray might be a good idea to make sure there are no fractures or breaks anywhere else. Besides that, oral pain management is the best bet. Your veterinarian would be able to prescribe the appropriate medications at the proper dose.

I hope everything goes well for Charley.  Please have her seen by your vet as soon as you can, especially if the nail looks twisted or she seems painful.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

-Cindy P.