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abandoned, skinny, and bald!

21 10:44:12

my friend found an abandoned ferret in her apartment complex. appears the owners just left her in her cage. when my friend brought her to me i honestly did not think she was going to make it through the night. this little girl (dorey) is nothing but skin and bones and has lost almost all of her hair. I got her clean and appears no mites, her skin is not dry so i figure the hair loss is from abandonment and stress. she eats just about anything but i would like to know what would put weight back on her and what would help her hair grow back. She loves my 14 year old daughter and is adjusting greatly to my house of animals so i want to get her healthy as quickly as possible.

Firstly thank you for rescuing her!

Is her hair growing back?

I suggest getting her to a vet asap to test for Adrenal Disease since almost all of her hair is gone. It could be stress related but it is a very high possibility that she is adrenal. This is not a death sentence for ferrets if it is treated. Most get treatment and their hair grows back and they gain weight.

To help gain weight you can use "duck soup" which is actually not duck. Here are some Duck Soup recipes.