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Almost everything

21 10:57:38

Will my ferret be okay alone? I can't handle another ferret. How can I give her a bath so she likes it? What are some good tricks for her? I want her to play with the toys I buy her, not leave them alone after one minute! Should I get a bigger cage for her? Click on the link to read about her cage,

I thought  it would be okay for her when I bought her! She is now 6 months!!=)
If that one isn't good enough, is this one?

By the way, i don't know if you specialize in this but if you do, I have ferret ear cleaner and its called: Marshall Ferret Ear Cleaner...she hates it and I don't know f I should use cotton swabs becasue it say to just massage it in!  

Hello, thanks for your questions! Okay, to answer your first one about having one ferret or two (I'm assuming that's what you mean)...If you want to stick with only one ferret that will be fine as long as she gets lots of play time with you and a lot of time out of her cage. A single ferret will bond primarily with you and want to be your best friend, and takes a considerable amount of more time to be with her and pay attention to her. If that's what you want in a pet, then stick with one. However, I have found that once you have a ferret, adding another one isn't much more work...all there is to it is a little more poop to clean up and a little more food to feed really. Luckily with two they usually bond with each other and you're they're mommy and they like to play with you, but they have each other to keep company and play with for the most part. So I think two is actually a little less maintenance since they mostly entertain each other. Plus it's a huge bonus to watch them play, they are absolutely hilarious. So there are definitely pros and cons to owning one versus two ferrets, but trust me, once you have one, another is not a big deal after that (being that one ferret is quite a handful, another barely adds to the handful). So if you're gone from home all day or can't commit hours to hands on playing with your girl, I would recommend a 2nd ferret.

LOL unfortunately most ferrets do not like water or bathes, even though they act like they want in when you're running the water. I have only ever had one ferret who actually LIKED going in the shower with me, which for ferrets is the exception rather than the rule. Luckily though ferrets shouldn't be bathed more than a few times in a year, and only given little rinse-offs occasionally to keep their coat soft and shiny. I don't know why they are so afraid of water, ferrets can swim fine, but you can always try bringing in floating toys in the water and maybe you going in with her to ease her fears. Make sure the water is pretty warm (not scalding hot, but not cool either) It should be comfortable to you if you were to take a bath. Ferrets have high body temperatures, so 80 degrees is freezing to them! Talk soothingly to her and keep your hands near or on/under her as she bathes. Also try giving her a treat after the bath is done and she's finished freaking out and getting dry, it might make her look forward to baths if she knows a treat is due.

I think one of the best tricks you can teach a ferret is to come when you call. As with dogs this is more of a tone of voice command than the actual words. Have lots of treats handy that she likes. Pick a phrase that you will stick to and that you will say in the same way over and over again. Mine was "come here, boy" in a higher voice, which even my girl ferret responds to. Start out with a treat in your hand and your ferret near you. Hold out the treat so she can smell it and say your phrase. Say it a few times, and give her the treat. Then start holding the treat further away from her so she has to walk toward you to get it, while making sure she can smell it and knows you have a treat, all the while saying your choice phrase. Be sure to give her the treat after a few seconds. You want her to mentally combine the treat with your phrase. Do this a several times each day in one session, might take a couple weeks for her to start picking up on it. Once you've gotten to the point where she can be anywhere in your house and you call out your phrase and she comes, then she's mastered the trick. Continue using the trick even after she's learned it to keep it fresh in her mind, and ALWAYS reward her with the treat when she comes. I think not only is this an impressive trick for your friends, but it invaluable as far as either finding her when she's hiding, asleep, or even lost outside.

As far as toys go, try engaging her and play with her with the toys. Also keep in mind she is a baby, whose attention span is even shorter than an adult ferret, so she probably won't have expanded interest in toys for a while. Right now she is more interested in exploring, being mischievous, doing dances, and wrestling with you (or another ferret).

Yes, I think your first cage is on the small side, is more fit for a hamster or a less active animal. The second cage you have linked would be a much better choice, I think that is actually the first one I had for my first ferret. I know it's twice as expensive, but believe me, you really can't have a happy, healthy ferret unless you provide them with decent living space and conditions, so please get her a bigger cage.

The ear cleaner you are using is fine, just as long as you don't over clean the ears..about once every two weeks or when there's noticeable buildup is fine. Ferrets absolutely HATE having their ears cleaned, it's just one of those things that you're never going to get around. It's not the cleaner, it's just them. I personally use cotton swabs to get all the little corners in their funny ears, but NEVER go in deep with swabs, just like us it can damage their ear canal. So just be very careful and gentle when cleaning her ears and it should be fine.

OK, I think I got all your questions, hope I've helped! Please ask again if you ever have anymore :)
