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2 male littermates living together

21 10:45:00

i was thinking of buying 2  un neutered hobs that are littermates and need to know if they will get along peacefully. i already own 1 hob who is very laid back and would like to add to this

Two un-neutered male ferrets are VERY unlikely to get along, even if they are litter mates.  As they age, they will become extremely territorial and could fight viciously.  My own ferret was a late neuter and an extremely laid back guy.  I thought he would get along great with a new comer since he loves my female.  Boy, was I wrong!  When I tried to add a male buddy he wanted no part of it.  He attacked viciously and sought to draw blood.  It was not simply a dominance thing.  He wanted this guy gone.  I had to find a new home for the new ferret.   

Be very careful about un-neutered male ferrets.  By nature they will act aggressively to each other.  I would choose a female if you are thinking of adding another ferret.  It is much more likely to end in harmony that way.

-Cindy P.