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1 year old hob biting

21 10:40:24

i got a year old hob from a woman because she couldn't find the time for him anymore but he has a problem with nipping people I've tried everything to try help him to stop from:
holding him for periods of time so he gets used to being handled,
tapping his nose and scuffing his neck (although i didn't do any of these for long as it only furriates him more)
shouting at him when he hurts,etc
the nipping occurs more to when he has his nails clipped and to playing rather than aggression. i think he was a bit neglected from his previous owners as when i got him he seemed to be very nervous and jumpy and his nails was incredibly long and started to turn underneath his foot 2 months down the line he still seems to be a little jumpy and nervous but not as much, apart from this he seems to be a happy ferret he likes to fun around my home playing and chattering to himself. i wondered if introducing a young Jill the same age would help with him never have interacted with others ferrets before of what i know to my knowledge. what do you think?? thank you for your time and effort hope you can help.

Introducing another ferret can help with "play" related biting since he can bite the other ferret.  Other than that, you are doing exactly what you should.  He probably has minimal experience with being held since he was most likely neglected, so patience and building a bond of trust that you won't hurt him will win him over.  Just be patient with him and give him time (some ferrets take a long time) to get used too being held and played with.