Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Is a ferret for me?

Is a ferret for me?

21 11:01:20

Helllo, I was wondering if you could help me decide weather a ferret is for me or not...

I dont mind the smell

I have plenty of free time

I can afford anything and everything that it will need

I would be able to let it run around in my farly large bedroom for sevral hours daily while I suppervise would this be ok?

Will it be possible to litter train it?

What is there avrage life span?

And last but not lest would it be ok if I bought my first ferret now and got another a few months down the road? would they fight?


   Its a very good thing that you dont mind the smell!! they can get pretty stinky!! Ferrets do need alot of free time because they are very curious animals and dont want to be cooped up in a cage all day!! As long as you dont leave the house They are certainly aloud to run around. Make sure that your house/bedroom is safe for your fuzzy to play in. They are fairly easy to litter train. If you buy one from a petstore and they are possibly already trained. Some breeders litter train their ferrets too. The average lifespan is between 8-12 years. My oldest was 11 years! Wich is very good. I always introduce new ferrets into the family, sometimes you have to take it slow, no reason to buy a second cage but just keep a close eye on your two fuzzys for a while. Then they should be fine!

         Glad to help ~Desiree~