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My Sicky Abu

21 10:43:50

I have a ferret name Abu. He's such a playful, happy ferret. Always running play with my girls and I. I got abu from a friend about 4 years ago and really don't know how old is he. For the past week he's hasn't been himself. He doesn't want to eat or drink any water, loss a lot of weight that all he is, is skin and bones and can't walk at all. He attempts to walk and just hurts his head on the floor. I hoestly thought I was going to lose him. Then out of nowhere he was eatting again, drinking water and was walking but was slighty wabblie, due to his backs legs still kinda weak I guess. I change in faith and thought he was coming back to us, then off of a sudden he's back to not eatting, etc, etc just like the last time. Now I just don't know what to do he's trembling and doesn't want to stay still. Just don't want to lose him he's been in our family for years. What should I do? I barely have money to take him to a vet? Please help me!

He needs a vet ASAP... This is one of those situations that the vet is unavoidable it could be anything he needs to have tests done.

I cannot offer any suggestions other than the vet. They will be able to give you a definitive answer as to what is wrong with him.

Sorry you fuzzie is sick!