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Introducing two, two yr. old ferrets

21 10:39:30

I have a Marshall bred female ferret that is two yrs. old and recently purchased a Marshall bred male ferret the same age. I placed their cages beside each other for 2 days. I let them out at separate times. I did let them keep sniffing each other through the cage. Once I let them loose my female ferret attacked the male and the fight was on! What can I do to get them to interact with one another without fighting? Will they ever be able to get along with each other?     Help!   Thanks, Kathy

Often, we mistake normal ferret greetings for a fight.  If no one is screaming and there is no blood, then it is pretty much an expected possibility when introducing ferrets.  We can make it worse when we introduce too slowly or by letting them see each other without any interaction.  Find a neutral place and let them get to know each other.  Try not to split them up unless someone is actually hurt.