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ferret not using little box

21 10:54:55

Well i bought me a little female sable yesterday and she is suppose to be litter box trained but she doesnt use it instead she always leaves me a present on the very top platform. So should i move the box up there or try something else?


Hi Luke:

Congratulations on your new ferret!  Ferrets are very very rarely 100% litterbox trained; occasionally, but it's not the norm.  

Yes, move the box to where she thinks it should be and see if that works. If your cage is more than two levels, you probably need more boxes - one for every other level in the cage so she doesn't have to go too far to find one - they can't 'hold' forever.

Also, when you get her out to play, don't forget to put a few litterboxes around the room you are playing with her in.  She will probably show you where she wants them also. Just put them where she requests <wink> and she will *probably* use them.  Also, in the cage, remember that a ferret will not poop where there is bedding - so, this is where you can put baby blankies, clean t-shirts, (maybe sweatshirts if it's cold) all over the floors so she can only potty in the box :-)   It works!

When out of the cage playing, make sure the litterboxes aren't too far apart.  Again, start in a small room until you see that she's using the boxes in that room. Once she does that well (I started my kids in the bathroom so I could reach them quickly and put them in the litterbox if I saw them backing up to go potty).  Once she gets it mastered in the bathroom playing with you - you can begin to play with her in a regular size room (bedroom, play room, etc). Put at least 2 or 3 boxes in corners she likes to use (move them if necessary). You can also put bedding and/or toys in other corners of the room so she won't go on the bedding or on her toys.  

Be SURE to tell her what a "GOOD GIRL!!" she is when she does use the litterbox.  Positive reinforcement is the most effective training.  Ferrets love to be told they are good and 'celebrate' every time she does go potty in the boxes!

Even if she was litterbox trained before you got her, no doubt she got very very nervous in her new home, so she might forget for a while until she gets used to you and her new home.  Be patient - remember she won't poop/pee on blankies/t-shirts, etc OR her toys, so scatter them in places you definitely don't want her to go potty. Then just watch as you play with her - any time she starts to back up and get *that* look on her face...if she's not near a litterbox, gently lift her up and put her in one and immediately say "POTTY GOOD GIRL" a few times and when she does start to go potty, then get all excited and tell her "GOOD GIRL!!!  WHAT A GOOD GIRL YOU ARE!!"  Maybe even a few drops of Ferretone after she comes out of the box.  NOTE: Don't ever take her out of the box....she needs to be finished when she's ready.  You can always help her *in* (gently), but let her get herself out.

All ferrets go potty just a few minutes after they wake up and start playing (probably within 2 to 3 minutes so watch closely and be ready to lift her into the box if she doesn't head that way herself).

After that, they will urinate probably at least every 20-30 minutes - again watch for her to start to back up into a corner and that's your cue....get her to the litterbox and tell HER what a good girl she is :-)

Ferrets LOVE to please their owners!  So, they are pretty easily trained. The hardest thing for a young ferret, tho, is to remember to go pee when they are playing and having fun (remember how it was as a child when you didn't want to go inside to use the toilet cuz you were having fun?  Ferrets are the same way! :-), so they need us to remind them until they get old enough to be responsible enough to remind themselves.  Some ferrets need reminded all the time; others will really aim to please and will really try hard.

Even tho you only see a drop of urine on the carpet, it 'pools' under the carpet in the padding, so *always* fold up several paper towels, then step on them on the wet spot until the towels are dry. Then use a spray carpet cleaner (be SURE you don't spray it when the ferret is near; you don't want her near the cleaning chemicals) and damp cloth and do a quick scrub of the top part of the carpet until it is just barely damp. (Make sure the ferret doesn't get near your cleaning products - keep them up out of her reach for her safety).

There is a product called "Nature's Miracle" that has enzymes in it and cleans up urine the best. Over time (just a month or so) those 'little spots' will suddenly make your eyes water - ferret urine is *strong* so always be sure to clean up right away and clean up thoroughly and immediately each and every time - don't wait. One ferret can literally RUIN a carpet in a room in about six months if you don't clean up really well each time.

How fast she will learn to use the litterbox depends DIRECTLY on how much time you spend with her close enough to a box that you can put her in it if she starts backing up, then congratulating her and telling her what a good girl she is.  So, keep litterboxes closeby when you have her out playing and 'help' her learn each and every time.


Jacquie Rodgers