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How can i litter train my ferret?

21 11:01:22

I just got a young ferret about a week and a half ago. She has a cage with 3 levels. She sleeps on the one side on the bottom of her cage so that is not a problem. And on the other side she has a litter pan in the one corner. She will not use it. I originally put it there because that was where she was going. She not goes in the empty corner. Or she will go in the corner of the 1st level. I tried putting her food dish it the corners i don't want her going in but she moves the dish. is there anything else i can do?

Hello Chelsea and thank you for your question

Putting her food dish in the corner was a good idea but since there are more corners then dishes its better to put a small amount of her food in the corners you dont want her to "go"(even her sleeping corner)this should stop her from "going" in the wrong corner, also to get her to use the right corner put some of her messes in the litter pan, she will smell this and should use the pan.

I hope this helps if you have ANY more questions feel free to ask