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ferret cold?

21 10:55:28

can ferrets get colds? she sneezes constantly and vomits a little bit.  She is a 5 year old albino female, the 8 in 1 food, her poop is very seedy, watery. when she is sleeping she wheezes and seems to be having a hard time (labored breathing) is there more happening than a cold? Also she seems to be shedding excessively.

Hi Nancy:

You have several reasons to take this illness seriously and get this ferret to a vet as soon as possible:

* Her age: at 5 years old she is at the edge of being a 'senior' ferret, so we take all illnesses more seriously than we would a young hearty ferret

* I'm especially concerned that she is sneezing "constantly" and that she is having labored breathing - these are life-threatening symptoms that really need to be seen by a vet ASAP

* Her seedy, watery poops indicate that she is not digesting food properly, therefore not getting proper nutrition - a necessity to get well.

* The excessive shedding could indicate her body sending out a "HELP!" signal - take this illness seriously. A bad case of flu could send this signal - she will feel like you feel when you have the flu...blah.

* Vomiting:  Any vomiting more than one time or two needs to be seen by a vet ASAP.  A ferret with diarrhea AND vomiting will dehydrate more than you can replace the fluids. She will *probably* need sub-Q fluids within 6-12 hours of onset of these symptoms if not controlled.

All in all, it *sounds* like this ferret *may* have the flu. Has anyone in your home been sick with the flu lately?  If so, that is probably your answer.  If not - does your family wash their hands when they enter the home as not to bring flu viruses into the home during flu season?  This is a good idea, especially with children who go to school and trade viruses with each other.  *ALWAYS* have anyone who handles the ferret wash their hands first. It's just a good practice anytime.

The best ting you can do for her to help make her comfortable is to use a COOL MIST VAPORIZER placed near the cage to put extra moisture into the air. Do NOT point it directly at the cage, as it will make the cage cool and damp and that will make her sicker.

ADD BLANKIES (or a sweatshirt) to the cage for her to snuggle down into. If she has a fever, they will feel sooo good!

Give her a mixture of 1/2 apple juice and 1/2 water in a bowl and hold her while she drinks as much as she will. This will help get extra fluids into her. We don't usually recommend the sugary fruit juices for ferrets, however, when they are ill it is a good way to get fluids into them and ONLY as a temporary measure.

Make sure she has lots of FRESH, CLEAN WATER in her cage and give her some warm soup (or Hill's A/D mixed with water till it's the thickness of gravy). That will help get some nutrition in her and replace some of the fluids lost in her bowel movements; A/D digests really easily and every ferret owner should keep a few cans of A/D on hand for this purpose....same as you would keep soup on hand for a child who doesn't feel well.

If she continues to sneeze "constantly" and/or vomits more, I hope you have a vet you can call before Monday. If not, the best you can do is keep as many fluids in her as possible and keep her warm, inactive and moisture in the air.  

You may give 1/2cc of Children's Liquid Benadryl every 6-8 hours for congestion (that's the ONLY thing it will help). Benadryl will make your ferret sleepy, so be sure to MEASURE IT so you don't overdose her and don't give it again until it's time.


A 'regular' warm vaporizer is NEVER a good idea because it raises the temperature of the air it reaches and ferrets should NEVER be kept at more than about 82 degrees. Your ferret will die faster from overheating than any other illness I can think of.  While we want to put moisture in the air, we certainly don't want to overheat an already ill ferret.   Extra blankies or a sweatshirt in the cage will give the ferret the option of snuggling down into something warm IF they feel chilled or feverish.

Watch the breathing, especially. If she appears to have really labored breathing, she REALLY should be seen by a vet before Monday.  Other than that, treat symptomatically with extra fluids, warm blankies, cool mist vaporizer and children's liquid benadryl for congestion.  It should pass in 2-3 days.  If it does not or she has other symptoms occur in the meantime - OR if you cannot get extra fluids and/or warm soup down her - get her in for subQ fluids. A ferret can dehydrate and die in 24 hours with diarrhea and vomiting without extra fluids.  Other than making sure she is breathing well, keeping enough fluids in her is the greatest concern here.


Jacquie Rodgers