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Limping Ferret

21 10:40:40

Hi there, I have had 2 ferrets for 2-3 years now. My one white ferret was acting different. He is not snuggly or calm, he is very hyper and nosey. *L* But today I noticed him being very calm, laying around, and snuggly. So I spent some time with him and noticed he is dragging his right front leg. I touched his leg and he is in no pain at all. Not sure what to do. He is still trying to play but gets tired quickly. I don't have alot of money for unnecessary vet bills. But i don't want him suffering. Any ideas? How can I make him comfortable if he just sprained his leg?

Hello Kim,

It is difficult to say if the leg is sprained or if he has another medical problem.  It is unlikely the leg is broken if he lets you manipulate it without pain.  

What could it be?  There are so many things... hopefully, it is not more than a simple sprain that will take time to heal.  

If it has not gotten any better or progressed, have him seen by a vet.  Sprains usually appear better in a matter of hours and there would be improvement.  With single limb paralysis, the radial nerve could be involved.  It supplies motor signals to the limb and can be damaged in a fall.  The prognosis of this depends on your ferret and the extent of the damage.  This would need medical treatment.

There are plenty of other things it can be,  such as spinal tumors or thromboembolisms (more commonly seen in cats).  These are less likely but the potential is there.  

I wish I could be of more help, but this is something that needs veterinary attention if it has not gotten better.  

-Cindy P.