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two girl ferrets

21 11:00:27

One more question... can two girl ferrets live together?

thank you for you question.Ferrets, once neutered or spayed do very well living together. A group of ferrets will bond very well, male or female, once they are "fixed."
I would have to say, my preference is two ferrets. They tend to bond to each other, but will also bond with you.
Most ferrets aren't "loving" per se, they are much more described as "Playful" ... the are a lot like kittens in that sense.
If these are your first ferrets, I would recommend a good book called
"Ferrets For Dummies" by Kim Shilling. It is good for beginners.
I would also say the younger you get them together, the better. Generally, ferrets bond well as babies, just like kittens do.