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1st ferret

21 10:42:20

I'm interested in getting a ferret. I have been wanting one for a while now and just have some questions. I've used this site before for hamster help and I really liked it. My hamste passed away about a week ago (old age) and I've Been thinking about a ferret but hamsters & ferrets probally don't mix well. So is it best to get them in pairs? I was thinking on female but if they need a partner... The cage I would buy is a 5 level one. So a yearly check up & vacinations how much would that cost? I could give her about 2  & 1/2 hours outside her cage(just for the winter longer in the summer when she could be outside) and @ what age is it best to buy one?
Thanks so much!

My area is behavior and I can't really answer most of these questions for you.  Vet prices differ by state and that will require you finding a vet in your area that will see ferrets and asking what they charge.  Rodents are food for ferrets so it is not a great idea to have them together.  I always suggest pairs (of any sex) and I also suggest getting them from a rescue.