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my 8 week old min pin

19 10:31:12

I have had my min pin for 2 weeks now. He is 8 weeks old. I am in the process of crate training him. I couldn't find a crate his size so I tried putting a divider up to make it the appropriate size.I feed him in the crate also. I get up every 4 hours and take him out. He doesn't poo in the crate but He peed in it anyway and layed in it 2 nights in a row. Is he too young to learn to hold it? Anytime he's in the crate longer than an hour he pees in it. I took the divider out because i didn't want him to lie in it or get used to the smell.

He should be able to go longer than that.  Have you had him to the vet?  He could have a bladder infection or something.  It is possible he just needs more time.

While you are working at solving the problem, try a grid in the crate.  I use one at first to keep the puppy dry if there is an accident. They are available with the crates, but expensive and hard to find. A piece of closely spaced wire closet shelving from a home supply place is cheaper. I am now using a plastic vegetable bin with plenty of holes drilled in the bottom. It helps block off part of the crate for the smaller puppy.