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running with a standard poodle

20 10:33:23

I have been running for 3 miles at a time with my newly adopted 3 yr old poodle and it dawned on me that I should find out if it is okay/healthy for poodles to run. Do I need to worry about the length of the runs?  Should I worry about the temperature outside?

Hello Kathleen,
Your Poodle should be fine running along with you.  Do make sure to bring water with you on very hot days and also make sure that if its very hot outside that the pavement isn't burning your Poodle's feet.  If it is hot and you still want to run, you can get booties for your dogs feet to keep them from being burnt.  

As for the length of the runs, if your dog isn't out of breath and seems fine after your run is over, then it should be ok.  Poodles are a very versatile breed of dog and tend to adapt themselves to the activity level of their owners.  I know of Poodles that do tracking exercises, hunting in the fields (where they run and swim for hours at a time) and I have even heard of Poodles running on a Dog Sled team.  I am sure that it is ok for your Fur baby to run with you for those 3 miles.  
If you want to be extra sure, you can contact your Vet for a check-up just to make sure that your Pup can keep up; he would check hips, joints and muscles for soreness or signs of strain.  Other than that, go on your and your dogs instints and he will tell you if he is uncomfortable or not.  

I hope this has helped you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.  

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