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My standard poodles

20 10:19:40

Firstly let me say that I found your poodle temperament breakdown very interesting!
I have a black standard and a blue, both 5 years old. We got the black as a puppy and I realized recently that the reason he jumped up on my boyfriend's lap and licked him eagerly is that he is very food oriented and we had just eaten! I am not a good disciplinarian and he has formed a very annoying habit over the past few years of nipping at other dogs (and once a person). He has never done damage, which speaks to his intelligence at knowing just how far he can go, but it is embarrassing and scary at times. It seems that he is better when there is more than one dog, but when we come upon another person walking their dog in the woods he frequently circles the dog, acting aggressive and nipping. He also does this to his "brother", in an aggressively playful way that seems like he is just trying to dominate him. I took him to an obedience course which was clicker related, and he learned all the prompts, but that did not seem to help the behaviors since I don't want to use a clicker and have him on leash constantly. We got the blue who had been at the same kennel for 1 1/2 yrs. He is quite timid at times but great outside and with other dogs. He is quite pushy at home, needy for attention. He really fits your description of blues!
Again, thank you for all of your helpful information.

Hello Carol,
Your boys sound nice.  Its nice to have had expirence with some of the different colors and to see those temperments come out.  There will always be exceptions to the rule, but that just makes it interesting.  

Have you tried Dominating your Black boy to help with some of his Dominating behaviors?  He is dominating other dogs, some people and your Blue, but he needs to know how it feels and needs to have it done to him.  You need to get him down on the ground and make him submit to you until he understands that YOU are his boss and that he needs to listen and respect you even above himself.  Your Blue submits to him, but he needs to submit to you and realize that there is a boss above him.  
When you dominate him, lay him on the ground and make him lay still.  You don't have to be mean to him, just rough enough to let him know that this is not game play.  Stare him in the face and make HIM look away.  Once he lays still and submits to you, slowly stand up and walk away from him.  He may lay there for a minute to process everything (because sometimes its a shock to them) or he may hop right up.  Also, don't let him jump up on you.  You can call him to come up and thats ok as long as you give him a command first, but if he jumps on you without a command, walk towards him and make him back off you.  Its not polite for him to just get into your face, so instead of him jumping up on you, make him sit and then give him attention.  
When he and his "brother" are playing, let them play as long as its friendly.  If it gets rough or he starts to dominate, make him submit to the blue.  Make "Blacky" lay down and let "Blue" come over and stand over him a bit. If there is growling from Blacky, YOU Growl back and assert your dominance over him.  Eventually, all you will need to do is point at him, growl or just give him a look and he should lay down and go quiet.  That is when you know you have won his respect.  
Use this whenever you need to, whether you are outside and walking him or at home around family.  Also, let others in the home know how to do this so that Blacky understands that he has to submit to every human member in the family.  If you do this, you will have a better relationship with him and he with you.  Dogs need to either have a Boss or Be the boss and there isn't an in-between for them.  Also alot of dogs want to just sit back and have a boss, but nobody takes that dominate role, so it forces them to have to take it.  Then when we humans try to tell the dog what to do, he feels that he needs to protect his Dominate "title".  It works out so much better when we go ahead and estabolish our Dominance from the start.  
Give this a try and see if it helps you some.  If you would like more information or have other questions, please feel free to contact me.

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