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Golden Retreiver Behavior Question

19 17:58:59

I have a golden retriever, who is 1.5 years old. He shares the house with a wymeriener and 2 rabbits.  The rabbits were recently introduced a month ago, and live in a large hutch within the house.  Both dogs get along with the rabbits, and both show playful friendly behavior. We have not had any 'red flag' type issues. However, the golden retriever is so completely infatuated with the rabbits, he races in/out the doors to watch them, needs to be reminded to eat his dinner and go to the bathroom, and stands a constant vigil over them.  While this is not so-called bad behavior, it is becoming a concern based on the daily repetition.  We continue to distract him by getting him to sit with us when we're in the kitchen, play with his toys, take him on walks,etc. However, as soon as he remembers about the rabbits, he'll want to race back over to check on them.  Any thoughts, suggestions, or further questions about this are appreciated. Thank you very much!

That is quite interesting.  Our friends had a male Golden and Lab breeding stock.  He loved the puppies and actually was allowed to help groom them and care for them.  Perhaps your golden sees himself an uncle to the rabbits and is caring for the packs offspring as is the duty of all the adults in the pack.  I have heard of female Goldens  producing milk for kittens.