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Im trying to find a fish

25 9:48:37

My friend had a saltwater tank and they had a fish that used to dig in the sand and make houses in it...I was just wondering what the name of this fish is, as I'm thinking about starting a saltwater tank. If you could help, that would be great! Thank you for your time.

hi leah,
   the fish your friend probably had was a type of wrasse. the wrasse family comes in different sizes, some spectacular colors and some very odd [at least to us] behaviours. in order to protect itself at night when resting, or hide from predators some wrasses will bury themselves in the sandy bottom. If you do not have a base layer of live sand at least an inch and a half to two and a half inches deep I would advise against a wrasse. They are comical, clownish and get along with most other species. they are worth having. ask your saltwater habitat vendor to see the different types of wrasses. some need a large tank.