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Aquarium stones.

25 9:30:32


I just switched from freshwater to salt water in my aquarium
and we were still doing the Ph and Salinity tests and some
other stuff. we bought a skimmer and installed it in the
aquarium,but the next day I noticed that the small stones on
the bottom began to change color. They were white but now
they are yellow. It has been 4 days since we noticed that
change and I am concerned, what should I do?

I was going to upload 2 pictures but It didn't let me.

This is normal for your small stones to start turning yellow, this is the starting point of the aquarium fully adjusting itself to saltwater.

The yellow coloration you are seeing is more than likely a species of algae starting to grow.

As of now, don't do anything, because the aquarium is still balancing itself, and this yellowing is not a bad thing.

Good luck in all your saltwater aquarium endeavors.

Best Regards,

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