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Aquarium Setup for Clownfish

25 9:49:14

Dear Todd

I am converting my goldfish tank into a clownfish tank. It will be a clownfish only tank.

Here is a list of stuff I have already:

30" x 15" x 12" Tank with cover glass
AuqaClear 300 Power Filter with foam and floss
24" Reflector + 1 Tube
100 Watt Heater
Air Pump + 12" Bubble Wall
Gravel + Fake Plants

Ammomina, PH, Nitrite, Nitrate Test Kits
Tap Watter Conditioner to remove Chlorine and Chloramine.

ok, here comes the questions:
1. How many clown fish(no matter how big they are) can I house with my setup?
2. What else I need besides the stuff I already have?
3. Also what kind maintenance I need to do?
Thank you.


Here are the answers to your questions:
1)  I wouldn't recommend more than about 4 small clownfish for that size aquarium.  Even the smallest of clownfish species will end up around 3.5" long.

2)  I'd recommend using a BakPak2 protein skimmer in addition to your AquaClear.  The bubble wand is not typically recommended as it can cause bubbles to get caught behind the eyes of the fish which can take some time to get out.  You'll need to replace the gravel you have with some variety that is safe for salt water aquariums.

Make sure you sterilize the tank and any other items that you plan to use with a low concentration of bleach water.  Once capful of bleach for every gallon of water in the bucket.

3)  Maintenance is not too different from the freshwater tank.  Feed fish daily, clean algae once a week or as needed, clean mechanical filters weekly, replace carbon every three to four weeks and 25% water changes every three to four weeks.  When doing water changes remember that the water you are putting back in has to be the same pH, temperature and specific gravity as the existing tank water.

Finally, I'd recommend picking up a good book.  Bob Fenner's The Conscientious Marine Aquarist is a great book for beginners and advanced hobbyists.  It'll take you through initial set up all the way through stocking, feeding, etc.  It's easy to read and full of current information.

This book and the protien skimmer can be found on our site at

Best of luck with the new hobby!

Scott Johnson
Aquarium Crazy Fish