Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Dead rock become live rock?

Dead rock become live rock?

25 9:47:15

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 20 gallon new saltwater tank. I want to add some rock but fear that the live rock available in my area is not good and have seen the foundation/shale/dead rock available and was wondering more about it. Would it be the same eventually to get the dead rock and put it in my tank? Would the dead rock become live rock in my tank without any live rock in the tank? Could the dead rock house anenomies, mushrooms, and so on and eventually turn into a foundation for a reef tank? I am a beginner and would rather use the dead rock but I am not sure if I can still have a reef tank eventually with the dead rock. Right now I have one blue damsel and one turbo snail, I had an outbreak of brown algea. Please let me know if I can build a reef tank by using dead rock only? If I do have to add some type of living rock, could I use the tonga branches, they would not have the possible pests which usually come in the regular rock. Would the tonga branches be enough to turn the dead rock into live rock eventually? Thanks for your help. If I have not answered any questions you would need to know please ask me, I think I have included everything. Thanks.

ANSWER: yes,

you can build live rock from dead rock.  The rock must be porous. I would not add any live rock to your system right now it will mess up your water chemistry. Buy dry base rock from your local pet store about 15-20 pounds will do in
about  3 months it will be live rock without the hitch hikers or pest with it!  Buy dry tong branches as well in a month or two.  But please hold back on buying any live rock.
Do not buy shale it's not a good type of rock.  If you buy mushrooms or any other inverts the rock I described will be fine.  They will use it as a house.  Please e-mail if you have any ??

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks alot for your answer. I searched everywhere on the internet and didnt find anything close to answering my question. Is there anything other than the dead rock I should or could add to help the beneficial bacteria grow on the dead rock? The rock I have available at my local store is white and it has a ton of holes and looks almost like a clump or dead coral, however I do not think it is that. The rock I bought is good if it has a ton of tiny holes, ridges, a few tunnels and other crevases, right? Its white, do you have any idea what kind of rock it is? At the pet store it is just called lace rock, is that a type? Also, should I wait until my dead rock has the live stuff on it to buy any type or inverts, such as mushrooms, polyps, and so on? Finally, would it be good to buy some non-algea type saltwater plants for the tank? Thanks so much, you answered the question I have had a difficult time getting answered. Oh, most people say that you NEED to have at least some live rock in order for the dead rock to become good live rock, is there any truth to this? Thanks again!

you will have to build up your bacteria levels...which just takes some time.  I like to add some live sand.

Once sufficient bacteria has build up it will attach it's self to your rock.  Your can add some live cultured bacteria it is keep in the freezer at local per stores.  This will add live bacteria which will aid in the process.
I would wait about 8-10 weeks before adding any inverts.  Also In my opinion I love plants in the tank.  

good luck