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Marine Betta

25 9:35:36

I recently rescued a marine betta from someone who had no idea of the care needed for the species. I believe he only bought the fish for its looks. After a long acclimation period it seemed to be doing well in my 75 gallon reef tank but not eating. I know they usually don't take well to anything but live. This morning I found it at the bottom corner of my tank gasping for breath. I quickly set up a hospital tank and added a few guppies to stimulate it to eat. The fish has his body drawn to one side and even after turning it on the other side it rolls back to the original side. It has now been in the hospital tank for 8 hours with very minimal improvement and shows no interest in feeding. Any ideas?? Please help I would hate to lose this beautiful fish.

Howie, Huntsville Alabama

Hey Howard,
No guppies.... thats a bad idea for any marine fish, causes liver damage and can actually cause a form of metal poisoning. Is he swollen or discolored in any way? Clouding of the eyes, discoloration of the gills? Without seeing the fish I cant be positive, but Marine Bettas(Calloplesiops Altivelis) are extremely hardy, disease resistant fish. I would try epsom salts(and only epsom salts, nothing with any scents). 1 teaspoon per gallon of tank volume(pre mix with aquarium water in a container til completely dissolved). Its a mild muscle relaxant that can ease stress(from parasites, infections, blockages). And it does sound like your little guy has a blockage with what youve told me. It's absolutely harmless to the fish in this dosage. If you have more information please get back to me, otherwise give this a try and keep me posted. Good luck.