Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > converting to fresh water???

converting to fresh water???

25 9:44:21

I have a 3 year old salt water 100 gallon aquarium tank. I was wondering that if I change the whole tank to fresh water what would happen to the  aquarium tank. Will the tank leak cause of the salt in the salt water or what would happen?????

Hi Bob. As long as you completely clean out the tank and rinse it very well your tank will be fine. I have used my 75 gallon when I got it originally 9 years ago as a saltwater tank. After about two years I changed to a freshwater and now it is a saltwater tank again. I have even used some of the same filters and heater throughout this. As long as you clean it very well you won't notice any adverse effects on the freshwater fish you put in your tank.