Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > light green algea and sand sifteing goby

light green algea and sand sifteing goby

25 9:29:45


Corner of tank
Hello I have a 14 gallon tank. Recently I have noticed light green algae on the gravel It is a bit scatterd.What could it be.

Also On fish that I heard are good are sand sifting gobies but My aquariums substrate is crushed shells and coral will  a sand sifting goby have a problem with the substrate thanks


First of all, I have some questions.

How long has the tank been set up?

My guess is it's a recently set up tank and the stuff you're seeing there looks, to me, to be what's called Brown Algae.  It forms when nitrates and nitrites and ammonia begin to cycle in an aquarium.

That would mean the tank has not finished its cycle yet.

How long has it been up and running?
What are the readings for nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and phosphates?

Please let me know and maybe I can give you a full answer. :)
