Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Worm like creatures in sand

Worm like creatures in sand

25 9:30:19


Picture of worm
I have about 20 clear small worm like creatures that are multiplying in my sand.  Some are against the glass and I can see a tube.  the others have a little mound where they are in the sand.  Are these bad?  How can I get rid of them if they are?  I have attached a picture.  Sorry it isn't better.

Hi Jason,

From the picture you've included I cannot see the marine animal close enough to make a determination. However, from what you've described, there are a few possibilities. Perhaps they are flat worms or peanut worms.

See this link below loaded with information to help you determine what you have.

Best Regards,

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