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Coral Beauty vs. Valentini Puffer

25 9:43:35

Just a quick question...we have a 30 gallon tank and have had 2 damsels (for about a month and we just got tanken out of the tank & dontated today) and we bought a coral beauty last week (she seems to be doing well) today we bought a valentini puffer and put it in with the coral beauty.  My question is it normal for the coral beauty to come up to the puffer and gently rubbing their stomach's together?  They seem to be just checking each other out and the coral beauty is much happier now that we got rid of the damsels.  But I think it is kind of odd that the Coral Beauty is doing that to the puffer or I could be wrong.  Thanks on any thoughts.

Hi Brandi. Coral beauties or any dwarf angelfish, can be very territorial by nature especially with one another. They will usually leave other fish alone. However they will still protect their territory and will show some unusual behaviors when doing so! Most likely the angelfish is just checking out his new tankmate. He will go after the puffer if it ventures close to his territory but these disputes should not lead to any injuries. After a few days together the puffer will learn where he can and can not go and a truce will be enacted. Expect the coral beauty to behave in this manner every time you add a new tankmate. They are one of those fish, that in a smaller tank, it is usually recommended that they are added last.