Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > wht is in my saltwater tank

wht is in my saltwater tank

25 9:32:41


Green circle
So fot about the past 3 weeks I have noticed these green circles growing on the glass in my 55 gal saltwater tank. They almost look like the insise of a tree when they are cut down with all the rings. They come off pretty easly when I clean the class but they just keep growing back. Any Idea I have included a picture.  

Hey Jaime,

Im sorry that i dont know right now.. i am researching and have asked a few other experts on my forum at

IF you want to read up on the discussion there, please log in and goto,302.0.html

you can post there also...

thanks, and hopefully I will have some more info for you...shortly???
