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Hitchhiker Identity

25 9:39:06


Unknown Hitchhiker
Hi Jennifer, I'm so glad to have found you!  :-)  I've attached a JPEG of what looks like a very tiny spider-like creature that I'm sure hitchhiked in on the live rock. We have a nano tank and are just getting started (in week 5) so we don't have fish yet, just the crabs and snails (our nano will be FOWLR). I've been told this might be the start of a glass anenome (but those all look like they actually live on the rocks, and these things are attached to the sides of the tank) or a nudibranch, but I don't think they look like the pics I've seen of those either.  Thoughts?  Good guy or get rid of? There are two of them presently-- very tiny.  Thank you!!! Jill

HI Jill. What you may have here is either a hydroid or a jellyfish. It is hard to tell from the picture. While both of these creatures possess very potent stinging cells unless there are very large numbers of them in your tank they rarely cause any trouble. Manual removal using a siphon as you scrape them off the glass is usually all it takes to get rid of them. Fortunately most of them are short lived in an aquarium and once their food supply runs out they no longer reproduce and eventually you should start to see less of them. Here is a link to a page with both of these creature on it and a little more info.

You could probably better identify which one you have since you can clearly see them in your tank.