Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > crystal like circles on live rock.

crystal like circles on live rock.

25 9:26:33

White Dots
White Dots  

White Dots2
White Dots2  
Hi David! I started a 10 gallon nano tank. The tank was set up a while ago and a week and a half ago i put some live rock in. There are small white crystal like circles showing up on the live rock in various locations and i did some research and cant find if the are harmful or what they are. the are almost flat to the rock not like an egg. Other than these dots there are no other "hitchhikers" that i have seen at all. Any ideas? THANKS SO MUCH! I really appreciate the help and cant wait to hear back! photo is attached -Meredith

Hi Meredith:

There are many marine organisms that can come in on live rock, so many, that some are not even classified as of yet. However from the images that you've provided they look like white flowering polyps, which do come in on live rock as hitchhikers / stow-a-ways. They are completely harmless and make a welcome addition to any coral reef aquarium.

Thank you for the question.

I wish you much success with all your future saltwater aquarium endeavors.

David - All Experts Editor