Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Please Help!

Please Help!

25 9:40:31

My girlfriend bought me a 10 gallon saltwater tank with clown fish and the tank seems to get very dirty very fast. I have read all of the instructions that came with the tank and I just cannot seem to get it right. The tank gets so dirty that I always end up doing a complete water change and the fish seem to react badly to that change.  I was wondering what you would suggest to help my problem. I honestly do not know a lot about how to change the water as to how long to wait before putting the fish in, I know it has to be a certain temperature.  But PLEASE HELP!. Thank you!

Hey Seth

I think the tank is dirty because you may be doing water changes with tapwater, always use reverse osmosis water. RO water is pure and will not cause any algae

with water changes, you have to put RO water in a bucket, enough salt, then put a powerhead in the bucket and let the salt mix for a few days. test the salinity, add salt or add more RO water, then add it to the tank.