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damsel and goby behavior

25 9:35:43

We started a 90 gallon saltwater aquarium about two months ago. We first bought a domino damsel and a blue damsel fish. They get along great. About two weeks ago I bought a yellow tail damsel, fire goby, a blenny, and snails. They all get along fine. These past few days the domino, blue, and fire goby have been acting strange. The domino will rub his body on top of the goby in a front and back motion. The blue damsel also will go to the front of the goby and flick his tail back and forth. This behavior only goes on for a few seconds but it seems to be occurring more frequently. I was just wondering if you knew why they were doing this behavior.



Hi Angela,
This is really quite simple... it's harassment. This is how Damsels bully, all fins get fully extended while they flick their tail and back up on unwanted fish over territory, food, etc. Make sure you have plenty of hiding spots for the goby to hide or he can possibly be stressed and harassed to the point of death. Damsels can actually be a bit on the aggressive side with other species close in size, it usually passes as the fish grow accustomed to their new home, but better safe than sorry. Do you have a way to separate them if it continues? Another smaller tank perhaps? Hope this helps and please let me know if you have any more questions. Be glad to help.