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Sick Frogfish

25 9:35:09

I have a frogfish that i have had for almost 2 years now that has recently started gasping and as well looks as though he has a white film over most of the body as well as eyes. It appears very similar to velvet. Along with that appears almost bloated. I know i dont have much time any suggestions? I have tested the water parameters.. ph is a bit low at 8.1, nitrates are about 3ppm, no nitrite or ammonia, salinity is at 1.025.. I recently gave him a bath in kanaplex. It is in a soft coral tank.. mostly just mushrooms. I hope you can help me out.. and hopefully i have given enough information to help you understand the situation as well. thanks

Hi Kelsi,
I dont remember the product, Kanaplex, ingredients precisely, kanamycin sulfate(40%), potassium sulfate(60%), I believe. But check the label for COPPER or Malachite Green. Even trace amounts are lethal to frogfish. They have ZERO tolerance for copper and metals. I know it doesnt work on parasites or viral infections.
It sounds like Marine Velvet or Oodinium, these are parasitic infections like crytocraryon(ich). Have nitrates gotten above 40ppm in the last few months? Any new introductions to the system? Rock, fish, anything? Do you have a quarantine or hospital tank? You need to remove the fish to a system with no substrate, no rock(nothing porous). Use a pvc tube, joint or anything smooth for hiding or cover. This will prevent further contagion and stop the life cycle of 99% of the ailments that affect our fish. Just the dips wont work. And I hate to say it, by the time they start to bloat you need to act quickly! You can dose with Epsom Salts(1teaspoon per 10 gallons of water volume) to alleviate the bloating and some stress. Then dose with a Copper free med. Seachem Paraguard is copper free, and I believe the Kanaplex is too, but will not resolve viral or parasitic infections. Let me know how it's going or if you have more questions. Good luck!