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Regal blue tang

25 9:32:52

Im taking care of my boyfriends fish, his regal blue tang seems off,
it eats well, but its coat is kinda spotchy, looks like the very beginning of erosion, almost like he got roughed up. From what I read it could be lack of nutrients, im scared he won't make it. I leave tomorrow won't be back till sunday? But can run and buy something tomorrow if I know what he needed? Help please?

Hello Natalie,

Unfortunately i dont have enough info to determine what it could be.

Is all the equipment working?  

Are all the water conditions ok??

Is he eating???

What time of day and circumstance did you see the fish in this condition.  Sometimes fish sleep and when they do, they change color, camoflage while sleeping... for protection..

I hope things work out for you and that you are just a bit over reacting, but, if youcan possibly give me more info we might be able to rule everything out and be more sure about the OK comment...

good luck and i hope things work out well
