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what my salt water marines eat

25 9:38:26

hi Paul

I am told that some (all) marine fish will eat lettuce leaves !! is this true.
My tank(240lt) has 3 different wrasse, a male wreck fish, hog fish, fire fish, grouper and a goby.
They are more than happy with the flake/frozen food I give them but if the lettuce does them good it might be fun to watch them eat it.



Hello David,

Some fish will eat lettuce, I have fed spinach and broccli too.

But, i usually stick to feeding them NORI, seaweed.  I will shop a the local asian market andpick up a 50 sheet pack for $8.  I will feed a half shhet, rolled up like a cigarette, and place that into a clip held in place by a magnet cleaner.

Tangs go nuts for seaweed...

but everyone gets into the feeding frenzy

Let us know how things work out for you..

Mr. bill