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invasive anemone

25 9:28:22

invasive species help
invasive species help  
we have a 125 gal. reef tank that is over a year old, and are now having a problem with an invasive anenome that is brown in color and engulfing our reef. we need help removing them without hurting the whole reef. picture attached.

Hi Peter and Karen,

The anemone you are referring to is called an Aiptasia Anemone.

There are a few different ways to remove them, see the following below:

Keep in mind, that even with all of the various ways to remove Aiptasia Anemones, the most effective in my experience, is by incorporating a Copperband Butterfly fish (Chelmon rostratus)    into your aquarium. It may take the Copperband a while before it realizes it can devour them, but once they do, they will surely Eradicate them entirely from your aquarium.