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I need help with my sea anemone

25 9:29:26

My sea anemone got stuck in the filter so I took it out and now I don`t know if its going to live it looks really bad but it is still moving a little. I removed it form its tank so the other things would not eat it and I placed it in a different tank so it can heal its self with out being bothered. But I need help I don`t want it to die. So can you help I don`t know what to do?

Hi Andrea,

Sea anemone are actually a specialty of mine.

Some species survive intake valves better than others.  Bubbletipped anemone may survive.

Flow is essential right now so no parts rot.  Wherever you have him, make sure he has a good flow (not enough to harm him, but water should move well) and make sure he's got sufficient lighting.  Lighting will be his best asset.  Halide only.  They do not survive in low lights.

If you send a photo and more info about where you have him now I can better assist you.