Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Webs


25 9:28:49

Tank webs
Tank webs  
My 100 gal salt water tank has been up for about 5 years now.  Just recently it has started to grow "webs" on the rock.  What is this?  Is it harmful?  How do you get rid of it?


Hi Rosemary,

Unfortunately the image that you have emailed to me does not clearly show the webs that you are referring to. However I am 99.9% certain that it is nothing to be alarmed about.

To remove most webbing, that often accumulates on live rock, typically from micro-organisms excretion or coral excretion, simply take your power-head pump and gently direct the water flow towards the webbing to unattach it. You can then collect it in your net for removal, or let it get flushed into your filter for removal.

Happy Holidays.