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new tank, ready for fish?

25 9:47:13

Hey! Heres the deal, i have a 30 gallon saltwater tank, about 35lbs of live rock, a protein skimmer, Cascade canister filter and live sand, salinity is .023 and it has fully cycled(5 months) I have tried and failed many times before with corals/fish. I am thinking about just having a FOWLR set up. I want to hold off on the corals for now. With my tank is it ok to get JUST clownfish? that is the species i want most. Will they thrive even if there is no coral in the tank for now? i am ready to buy them, i just dont want to take any chances in them dying if they absolutely need live corals. ( i am not a fan of "fake" reef tanks but eventually i do hope to add some easy corals) is it ok to go out and buy my fish? thanks for your time and patience. ^_^

if you make sure you buy tank bred clowns they should be ok without corals for now. just make sure you stay away from anemones, they don't have a great survival rate in captivity.

also i would get the salinity up to about 1.025-1.026, before you do go and buy the fish just make sure your water stats are good and just acclimatise them for a good hour by dribbling water into the bag every 10 mins.

let me know how you get on