Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > seabay ananomy

seabay ananomy

25 9:32:19

QUESTION: my star fish has mucus or something coming of him is that normal
i have plenty of food in my 170gl tank

ANSWER: hello chris,

Well, it depends on where or what the 'mucus' is...

It is normal for a starfish to eat and digest and expel waste, just like us.. 'cept that they only have one orafice for this process, so it is normal to see some waste material coming from the mouth/orafice.

Also, starfish are 'broadcast' spawners.  this means they will shoot semen and egg  into the water colum, typically this is a white stringy material similar to semen...  this will come out of other glands located around the body/disk of the starfish...  usually has several glands excreting at the same time.

Please let me know if this sounds like something that is going on or if there is other symptoms or information you can share

you can post it here or you can post on my new forum at

it might be easier to post on the thelittleocean and you will get more support as there are more folks/reefers there...

good luck and please keep me posted


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for your answer for my starfish..   my sea bay keeps falling of the rocks to the sand he is new to the tank maybe not happy were i put him or does he like sand better?


Sebae Anemone

They will move around till they find a good spot they like.

If you have a rock with a hole in it, that is usually a good place as they like to protect thier foot.

Fed the anemone some silversides fish piece when he is in a spot you like...

That will let him know there is food there...

good luck

and please let me know how things work out for you
