Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > What size tank to start a saltwater tank?

What size tank to start a saltwater tank?

25 9:38:30

QUESTION: I was looking into starting a saltwater tank and i was wondering what size tank was good to start. I also would like to know what types of fish are good to start with for saltwater. I curently have a 20 gallon freshwater tank.

ANSWER: Hello Randy,

There are many factors in choosing the size tank you want.  

Convenience, cost, etc...

I am not sure i can answer this question for you, but will try to set some guides...

A tank smaller then 24 gallons is called a NANO tank.  These are relatively harder because small changes in water conditions and outside factors make a big difference in the small volume or water.

i.e. if you let the water evaporate 1 gallon in a 24 gallon tank is worse then if you let the water evaporate in a 100 gallon tank..

The cost to keep a nano is much less then keeping a 100 gallon tank

A tank below 60 gallon will use significantly less electricity then tanks larger then that.

Light fixtures become much much more expensive as well.  Along with the need to cool the water due to the extra lights...

So, as you can see size matter, and it is a personal choice.

Best of luck and welcome to the reefkeeper club!

Mr. Bill

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I appreciate the help very much and i will be looking into getting a good size tank for saltwater. Also do you have any preferences on which fish are good starters for saltwater tanks?

look around craigslist or ebay (local), for good deals on reefing equipment.

(dont buy from long distance until you are more knowledgable and comfortable)

Fish requirement, hmm, depends, on what you like and what you are going to want to keep, corals and such...

Of course i like clownfish.  If you want to get into 'exotic' stuff and avoid the typical clownfish, they have 'special' clowns, (naked, misbar, and such)

I also like anthias, (wishin i had some actually).

And I also like pj cardinals.  they are kind of 'schooling' type of fish, and are reasonably priced.

(After a while you and others that read here, will see i dont get into the popular stuff, and or pricey stuff.)

Good luck and let us know what you find.

Mr. Bill