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Dwarf Seahorses

25 9:28:05

Hi, I own 2 freshwater tanks but I am now interested in having a dwarf seahorse tank (I have read many questions and answers on this site already) are my questions many could I get in a 5 gal or 10 gal?
2.could any thing else go in the tank?a bottom feeder even?
3. Do you HAVE to feed them live brine shrimp or is it PREFERED?
I appreciate any answers
Thank you


Out of all the seahorses kept in captivity dwarf seahorses are considered one of the hardest species. mainly because they ONLY can eat live brine shrimp, and only several day old brine shrimp at that. also since they are so small that makes them automatically very delicate, adding to the difficulty.

as for tank size, i would consider nothing no more than a 5 gallon tank. i have a 2 gallon right now with 4 pairs in it and i still have trouble finding them they are that small. i would consider between 6-8 pairs for a 5 gallon tank.

also ABSOLUTELY NO tank mates, you cant even have live rock in the tank because even those tiny hitchiker crabs are large enough to make a snack out of these horses. the only possible tankmates are dwarf pipefish.

Lastly, you need to be prepared for them to breed, these things breed like rabbits and soon enough youll have 20 tiny horses the size of a period in your tank. the baby dwarves need day old decapsulated brine shrimp. and chances are only a small amount will live even with the best care.

best of luck, dwarf seahorses are by far one of my favorite animals in this hobby.
