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Marine hermit crabs

25 9:33:12

I am in science research at my school. I wanted to know what the PH should be in my salt water for marine hermit crabs. The hermit crabs are in a 10 gallon tank. There is sand in the middle and then two containers,  one on each side. Right now I have it at 36 on a PH measurer. I made the water myself after i had measured the water they were in when i got them, which was 36 on a PH measurer. What should the ph be in the containers or do I keep it the same ph i have it in?

Hello Anna,

I am not familiar with the 'scale' you are using.

pH is usually measured on a scale from 1-10  with 7 being pH nuetral...  bascially water is pH nuetral, (pure water)

anything lower then 7.0 is considered acidic, and anything above 7.0 is alkali

marine tanks are kept at 8.0   a range of 7.8-8.3 is considered ok

pH will fluctuate a bit on it's own, due to outside factors, light, ambient gases etc...

good luck and if you could, can you please let me know the 'scale' you are using???

