Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Weird white stuff in my tank.

Weird white stuff in my tank.

25 9:48:20

well, i looked at it, and it doesnt look like its moving. my girlfriend just informed me she overfed brine shrimp. could that be it?

Followup To

Question -
I just put these tiny blue cleaning crab things in my tank, and ive noticed a clump of white stuff on the bottom of the tank. I was wondering if you had an idea what it could be.

Answer -
Hi Josh,

    This clump of white stuff - is it fuzzy, solid, moving, dead, or? If you have a magnifying glass see if you can take a close up look. If you give me a little more accurate description I will try to help. Has it grown since you sent me your email?  Waiting to hear from you, Gerry. PS - did you add the crab water to your tank?

Hi Josh,

   If you throw a clump of frozen food, [ brine shrimp for instance ] it will have a tendency to stay together if there is not a strong water flow in your tank. I am surprised, however the crabs weren't all over it. Is it gone now? If not, take it out, gently, with a very fine net. When feeding frozen food, take a small jar of tank water and drop the food in the glass. Let it melt. Stir it up and pour the amount of water [with food] in your tank that you need. Save the rest by putting the jar [cap on] in the refrigerator. It will kast a few days. Soon, Gerry.