Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > new sump micro bubbles

new sump micro bubbles

25 9:28:05

bubbles coming out
bubbles coming out  

I have a 29 gal aquarium with a 10 gal sump.  There is about 4 foot of tubing (3/4 inch) between the submerged mag3 return pump, and the inlet in the tank.  I have thousands of micro bubbles coming into the tank.  There are bubble coming out continuously, but every few seconds there is a huge burst of bubbles coming out.  There are bubble traps in the sump, and i don't see any air getting sucked into the mag3, but i still have tons of little bubbles coming out. The mag3 has a a pre-filter (i was told that would help, but it did not). How can i get rid of the bubbles?


you definitely have a problem with your return pump, at this point i see a few options. you could open up the pump, try to toy around with it and who knows you may get lucky and stop the bubble problem. often times i find they are caused by a faulty propellar. second you could just buy a new pump. or third, you could just deal with the bubbles. i know we all worry about bubbles because we are looking at our tanks all the time. but really, if someone is looking at your tank the chances of the really noticing the bubbles are slim to none.
hope that helps Dan.
