Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Soft Corals

Soft Corals

25 9:29:54

I have a 120 gallon saltwater tank that has been up and running for 5 years now. The trouble I'm experiencing is my corals seems to be dying off slowly. All the levels test fine. We use an RO system for the water. Is there a way to test that water? Please help if you can!

Hi Dave,

You may want to check the membrane / resin media inside your RO System, to see if it needs changing. Also make sure that your lighting is sufficient. Most Metal Halide and Fluorescent lamps should be changed out at least once a year. Lastly, if you haven't checked your phosphate levels, check them, if they are extremely high this may be the root cause.

Best Regards,