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Puffers choice

25 9:44:41

Hi, I have 10 gal salt water aquarium and would like to have either Porcupine or Dogface Puffer. I am wondering if I can accomodate one of this Puffers in this size of aquarium along without any other fish and if yes what I can add to it in terms of shrimps or crabs?
Thank you in advance.

Hi Julia. Unfortunately you should not keep a porcupine puffer in a tank that small. These fish can reach a total of 12 inches and need a much bigger tank to live a long and healthy life. Dog face puffers get to be 10 inches and would also not do well in any tank under 50 gallons. Shrimps and crabs are a favorite food for both these kinds of fish and a fish only tank is recommended for them both.