Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Tankmates?


25 9:44:41

Hey Jennifer!

I was wondering, in a 90gal tank (with 40 sump), could I add a porcupine fish in with:
an Emperor Angel (he's young but not small),
an Emperor Snapper,
some 4 Stripe and Domino Damsels?

I may sell the snapper since he's growing but I want to know your opinion on this. Will a porcupine fish give problems to the damsels and/or the angel because I found the most beautiful one at this little shop with the most blue eyes. So yeah. lol. That's how you end up with 15 aqauriums, lol.

Hi Benty. I think a porcupine puffer would be a fine addition to any fish only tank. Just beware that behind those haunting blue eyes is a rather delicate fish whose only form of defense is to inflate with air and shed some nasty toxins into your tank that can kill all the rest of your fish as well as itself.(carbon in your system is a must in case this accidentally happens) They can get to be a foot long and can at that point eat some of your smaller fishes. They also need a diet that consists of mollusks that still have their shell on them. The opening of the shell in order to extract the meat wears down their constantly growing teeth. If not provided with this their teeth can grow too long and interfere with their feeding. They are also susceptible to eye infections in poor water conditions and this can lead to blindness which also interferes with their feeding. They are very hard to resist however and if you are up to the challenge then go for it. A friend of mine just got one and she is in love!