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nano tank set up

25 9:44:00

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to post a follow up but here goes. Thanks for the reminder about placing something living in the tank to get the cycle going. I put three hermit crabs in there and will keep checking the water conditions. Do you have any recomendations for feeding the hermit crabs or will they just eat stuff off the rocks?

Hi Sheldon. You can feed your hermit crabs any meaty frozen marine food,they are not picky! You could also use a sinking type pellet however, these seem to cloud up the water a bit. I usually recommend feeding your hermit crabs when using them to cycle your tank because any uneaten food will also help to cycle your tank.(hermit crabs do not produce all that much waste) Feed them once a day a very small amount of food, keep up on your testing(I usually suggest keeping a tank journal) and soon your tank will be ready for some more interesting creatures!