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salt water compatiably and tank size

25 9:40:17

hello jennifer i have a 44gal acrylic tank that i want to turn into a salt water tank mainly the 2 fish i want are a lion fish and a snoflake eel. Will my 44 gal be big ebough for them both? are they compatiable together?

Hi Kyle. A 44 gallon tank is plenty big enough if you were to get a dwarf lionfish but not for most of the larger species(they can get up to 14 inches!). The eel is a cause for argument! Most people will tell you that snowflake eels should not be housed in anything smaller than a 55 gallon. However they rarely reach a length over 12 inches in an aquarium and can be kept quit nicely in a smaller tank. A tank that is at least 3 feet long should be sufficient for the eel. And yes, the eel and a lionfish can go together in a tank. I know this firsthand because that is what I have in one of my tanks!(along with two damsels who I rescued)